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and across Europe
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Report malfunction online 24/7
Under the Managed Print Services solution package we have combined a number of measures that optimise print processing in companies and organisations, in the specialist trade and at manufacturers.
With us at your side, you move confidently to professional print management.
Do you know off the top of your head how long the printer you last added to your company's printer fleet is still under warranty?
Is it 12 months or only 6 months, or has the warranty perhaps already expired?
Most companies do not keep track of the warranty claims of their printing technology. In any case, this is a major challenge, because every manufacturer makes different warranty promises and durations and also handles them differently.
Shortly before the warranty for your device has expired, we arrange a service appointment with you. This allows us to replace defective components before the warranty period expires without you having to pay for them.
This means you don't give away any warranty claims, which come into effect more often than most customers think. We offer the Guaranteed Warranty independently of manufacturers and also handle it directly for you with the manufacturers.
In most offices, a lot of time passes from the time the printer stops working because the toner is empty until a new toner is installed. In between, there is internal communication, the call to the service partner, the waiting times until delivery, and the arrangement of a service appointment. We have simplified this process considerably within the framework of the Managed Print Service.
Thanks to our automated consumables delivery, the machine automatically reports before the toner or ink is completely empty. The order arrives automatically in our system and we deliver the toner or ink before the printing or copying system goes on strike.
Have you also been annoyed so far when you simply threw away a toner that was in an old device?
That's 100 euros or more that just ends up in the trash. We take back originally packaged toners from discarded devices - with a full refund of the purchase price.
The location of a multifunction printer also makes a decisive contribution to increasing efficiency in the company. Therefore, we are happy to check your internal structures and find the best place for your technology.
We can help you with the following device groups: Multifunction devices | Printers | Plotters | Label printers | Old copiers | Fax machines | Scanners
If a device maintenance appointment is pending, we will proactively approach you and arrange a suitable appointment with one of our technicians. We offer this service to companies in the entire Bavarian region, in the cities or metropolitan areas of Munich, Nuremberg, Augsburg, Ingolstadt, Landshut or Regensburg!
About our modern fleet manager software solution we are able to automatically record the meter readings of your devices.
You no longer need to laboriously enter the data and pass it on to us - everything happens automatically, saving you time and money.
For the economic efficiency of printing technology, it is crucial to carry out regular consumption analyses. This enables us to identify whether the current technology in your office is still being used sensibly or should be replaced with more modern technology, for example, to save electricity or the cost of consumables in the long term.
Because one thing is certain: regular maintenance increases the service life of the units! Thanks to our LKS® printMANAGER we always have an overview of the current maintenance dates. In 2001, the Employer's Liability Insurance Association decided that printers must be serviced or cleaned once a year. Afterwards, the inspected device is provided with a new inspection sticker.
You have fewer breakdowns, less wear and tear and the fine dust pollution in the office is reduced. Our customers are happy about the saved costs for new purchases. The environment is happy about less waste.
Boschstraße 2
D-85084 Reichertshofen